13,633 Arkansas Students Choose District Schools Outside of ResidenceAugust 25, 2017With 13,633 choosing schools in districts other than their own in 2016-17, the state’s greatest beneficiaries of inter-district school ranged…Read More
How Springdale Starts Teachers Over $11,500 More Than LRSDAugust 25, 2017Springdale, the district closest in enrollment to Little Rock, has the highest teacher salaries in the state. The Little Rock…Read More
Myth of Lost Resources: LRSD Revenue Explodes as Enrollment DeclinesAugust 24, 2017Okay all you Baker-believing, charter-hating, anti-millage extension-voting, Little Rock School District is under attack conspiracy theorists. Explain this… Resident EnrollmentChoice…Read More
Biggest Charter School Lies DebunkedAugust 24, 2017Several big whoppers are regularly told regarding open-enrollment public charter schools. The conversation generally goes like this, “I’m not against…Read More
Fast Facts on K-12 Education in Pulaski County South of RiverAugust 21, 2017Progress Since State intervention in 2015, three of six LRSD schools have been removed from Academic DistressIn 2016, LRSD and…Read More
In Poore’s First Year, LRSD Improves in Every Grade for Only Second Time in Thirteen YearsAugust 19, 2017In Michael Poore’s first year as superintendent, the Little Rock School District was one of only twelve school districts and…Read More
Forget Charters; Jerry Guess/Allen Roberts/John Walker Responsible for LRSD Enrollment DropAugust 19, 2017The Little Rock School District has long benefitted from inter-district school choice. Consider the following enrollment data over the past…Read More
Only 12 Districts, 1 Charter Improve ACT Aspire Results in Every GradeAugust 11, 2017While Arkansas as a whole improved ACT Aspire results in every grade, only 13 of the state’s 262 public school…Read More
Hard Won Pinnacle View Middle School Should Let Scoreboard Do TalkingAugust 5, 2017At the grand opening of Pinnacle View Middle School, the principal reported that the school (sixth grade only in 2016-17)…Read More
As Arkansans Outside of Little Rock Say, ‘That’s Little Rock’July 7, 2017You can’t make this stuff up. Those opposing new, refurbished LRSD facilities (Plaintiffs Ross, Springer) are suing the LRSD Superintendent…Read More
LRSD’s Academic Distress Schools Receive 67%, 77%, 92% of Students Three Grades or More Below LevelJune 13, 2017Print this. Keep it at the ready. And the next time someone suggests that the panacea for the Little Rock…Read More
Vote Happened, Needs Remain, Consensus EmergesMay 10, 2017On Tuesday, May 9th, just over ten percent (11,105) of the Little Rock School District’s registered voters cast ballots. Nearly…Read More
Voting Yes for the KidsMay 9, 2017By Ed Bullington Fifty Year Patron of the Schools in the County of Pulaski I am voting without hesitation to…Read More
LRSD Facilities Plans: Theirs, His or YoursMay 1, 2017Here are the plans. Though we vehemently disagree, opponents’ not wanting the district to progress while in State control is…Read More
A Tale of Two Districts: Springdale and Little RockApril 29, 2017The two most comparable districts in Arkansas in regard to enrollment are Springdale and Little Rock. Though only separated by…Read More
PCSSD Serves Little Rock TooApril 29, 2017While leaders debate and voters decide whether or not to refinance and extend Little Rock School District’s (LRSD’s) debt to…Read More
On the Record: Citizen, Candidate, PlaintiffApril 26, 2017Whom do you trust? Citizen (April 22, 2013) “I want to continue to be on record that I am disappointed that we…Read More
Charter School Families Vote TooApril 26, 2017The next time an elected official or candidate for public office thinks it politically expedient to bash the choices of…Read More