With school set to begin August 18th, limited seats remain available for seventh and eighth grades at the new open-enrollment public charter school, Quest Middle School of West Little Rock (1815 Rahling Road).
While sixth grade is full, those applying will be added to the wait list should seats open up (and they always do).
If you have or know of students who may be interested in attending this tuition-free, school of choice, please share this message. For Pulaski County Special School District students, Quest and other open-enrollment charter schools offer the only available public middle school choice, as the district exempts from the Public School Choice Act of 2013.
One of the greatest determinants of a school’s success is parental support. On July 24th, 176 parents attended the very first meeting of the QuestWest PTO. In July! Middle of the summer!! For a school with a maximum 220 students!!!
With such strong support, the first will likely be the only year without a wait list for all grades. Because siblings of enrolled students have enrollment preference for subsequent years, families should consider making a move this year to ensure spots for the rest of their children in the years to come. Once enrolled, a student may stay with the school through graduation.
To apply online, visit http://questmiddleschools.com/apply-now-west-little-rock-2014-2015. For more information, visit:
Those interested in employment opportunities at the school should visit https://responsiveed.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx (search Quest Middle School of West Little Rock).
When it comes to public education, one size or delivery system doesn’t fit all. QuestWest ensures that parents, no matter their resident school district, have an – or another – excellent choice in publicly educating their children.