Breakfast, Lunch Service Delayed

By Christopher Stevens

The Child Nutrition Department welcomes all Quest Middle School of West Little Rock families. We are looking forward to serving your children during the new school year. Due to ongoing building construction we will not be able to provide lunch meals and beverages during the first weeks of school. For this reason, we are asking parents to pack a lunch for your child. No glass bottles please.

Rest assured that Responsive Education Solutions and the Child Nutrition Department are working diligently on setting up the meal service for your children. It is our intent to keep you informed during this construction period and will communicate any updates to you as they become available. Once the construction is completed we will be providing a cold breakfast and a hot lunch for the rest of the year.

If you choose to have your child participate in the breakfast program please make sure he or she is at school between 7:30 – 7:50 AM.  Additionally, if you have not done so already, please submit your 2014-2015 School Meal Application to our office so we may determine if your household qualifies for free or reduced meals. For your convenience the school meal application is available on our website at

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