Everything New is Old Again

The politics of the past seemed to return to the Little Rock School Board Thursday (October 24th) night, exemplified by what is customarily pro forma officer elections.

New Zone 2 Member C.E. Charlie McAdoo felt unprepared to vote on a Board Member Code of Conduct or Employee Dress Code, but fully prepared to defeat Second Year Zone 3 Member Leslie Plowman Fisken for Secretary.

McAdoo was elected with four votes (his, Zone 1’s Norma Johnson, Zone 7’s Dianne Curry, and new Zone 6 Member Tara Shephard).

Shephard voted for the first time after announcing herself unprepared and therefore abstaining from voting in the previous two elections for President and Vice President.

McAdoo’s lone “no” vote joined Johnson’s and Shephard’s abstentions, as Second Term Zone 4’s Greg Adams was elected President with four votes.

Johnson fared best of all candidates, with six “yes” votes and Shephard’s abstention for Vice President.
State Representative and Joshua Intervenor Attorney John Walker arrived just before the meeting began, but left well before the elections.
The lack of suspense must have freed him.

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