- Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators (publicly funded)
- Arkansas School Boards Association (publicly funded)
- Arkansas Education Association (payroll deducted, teachers union member funded)
All are, and have been for years, deeply involved in legislative advocacy on behalf of their members’ interests. This year, Arkansas Learns (privately funded) is giving voice at the legislature to the private sector – parents, employers, citizens – on behalf of all our students. Already, we are on the other side of public education performance initiatives strongly opposed by organizations which have long dominated a system failing many of our students. Throughout the session, take a look at their and our respective positions, and let all of us know what you think.
- Richard Abernathy (Executive Director, Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators) – [email protected], 501.372.1691
- Dan Farley (Executive Director, Arkansas School Boards Association) – [email protected], 501.372.1415
- Rich Nagel (Executive Director, Arkansas Education Association) – [email protected], 501.375.4611
Gary Newton (President & CEO, Arkansas Learns) – [email protected], 501.492.3418.