Teaching Teachers to Teach: Ranking Arkansas’s Education Preparation Providers

Here’s how Arkansas’s colleges and universities rank in preparing teachers to teach, based on results of the licensure test. Passing percentages are only listed for those with 10 or more test takers.

Act 328, sponsored by Senator Alan Clark in 2017’s 91st General Assembly, requires that teaching candidates entering an educator preparation program beginning in the 2017-18 academic year or thereafter for a first-time elementary level K-6 license or special education K-12 license shall take and pass a stand-alone assessment that examines the acquisition of knowledge of essential components of beginning reading instruction based on the science of reading.

Those results are not reflected in the following:

Source: https://eis.ade.arkansas.gov/eppr/docs/State/StatewideReportApril2018.pdf

College/University 2018 % Passed 2018 Test Takers 2017 % Passed 2017 Test Takers 2016 % Passed 2016 Test Takers Combined 3 Years 
 University of Arkansas at Little Rock 100% 68 99% 67 99% 76 
 Ouachita Baptist University 100% 31 100% 33 100% 33 
 John Brown University 100% 14 93% 29 96% 27 
 University of Arkansas (Fayetteville) 99% 103 98% 229 98% 250 
 Henderson State University 98% 92 99% 95 99% 102 
 Arkansas Tech University 95% 170 98% 168 97% 216 
 University of Arkansas at Fort Smith 94% 258 98% 104 100% 107 
 University of Central Arkansas 93% 176 100% 148 99% 170 
 University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff 93% 15 100% 11 100% 11 
 Harding University 88% 139 95% 128 96% 117 
 Arkansas State University 84% 206 95% 245 93% 291 
 Southern Arkansas University 81% 52 93% 45 94% 63 
 Crowley’s Ridge College 64% 11 82% 11 – 5 14 of 14 (100%)
 Williams Baptist University 61% 18 93% 14 85% 27 
 Central Baptist College – 7 – 4 – 3 
 Hendrix College – 5 – 6 – 5 15 of 16 (94%)
 Lyon College – 1 – 2 – 5 8
 Philander Smith College – 0 – 1 – 1 
 University of Arkansas at Monticello – 5 95% 21 95% 37 2
 University of the Ozarks – 9 100% 14 100% 16 
 TOTALS  1,380 1,375 1,562
 State Average 92% 96% 97%
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