Under State’s Leadership, ‘Re-Segregation’ Reversed in Little Rock School District

In the Saturday, September 23, 2017 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Rita Sklar of the Arkansas ACLU, repeated what has become a constant talking point of those opposed to both charter schools and the State’s intervention in the Little Rock School District.

“Here in Little Rock, the process of re-segregating our classrooms has accelerated since the state takeover of the Little Rock School District in 2015, and new state-initiated and authorized charter schools are being created at a breakneck pace and with a fervor that is obscene.”

And yet, no evidence is ever provided regarding the district’s “re-segregation” since State control nor the charters’ alleged role as accomplices. In fact, the district’s decade-long, locally-controlled history of “re-segregation” is conveniently ignored.

The reason no evidence is ever provided is because none exists. In fact, the truth is just the opposite of the status quo’s re-segregation fabrication.

Here are the demographic data for the district since the advent of the first charter school in 2004.

 2 or More
Asian Black Hispanic Native American/
Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander 
White Total Total
Enrollment Gap
2004-05* NA 430  16,738 1,226 62 NA 5,968 24,424 22,706 10,770
2005-06 NA 399 17,173 1,343 69 NA 6,111 25,095 23,284 11,062
2006-07 NA 412 17,432 1,553 76 NA 6,027 25,550 23,459 11,405
2007-08 NA 436 17,715 1,733 81 NA 5,773 25,738 23,488 11,942
2008-09** NA 432 16,936 1,865 73 NA 5,354 24,660 22,290 11,582
2009-10 NA 450 16,574 1,927 76 NA 5,363 24,380 21,937 11,211
2010-11 126 509 16,245 2,174 83 2 5,087 24,226 21,332 11,158
2011-12 177 534 16,114 2,322 75 8 4,819 24,049 20,933 11,295
2012-13 199 523 15,708 2,540 69 6 4,549 23,594 20,257 11,159
2013-14 227 579 15,689 2,728 64 9 4,380 23,676 20,069 11,309
2014-15 271 557 15,371 2,925 65 10 4,164 23,363 19,535 11,207
2015-16*** 272 567 15,070 3,124 55 11 4,065 23,164 19,135 11,005
2016-17 285 563 14,603 3,183 57 14 4,054 22,759 18,657 10,549
2017-18 318 595 14,040 3,350 54 10 3,971 22,338 18,011 10,069
 318 +165
 14 -1,997
 +271 +127
 +10 -1,804

* First Year of Charter
** First Year of African-American Majority Board
*** First Year of State Takeover

Meanwhile, at the charters…

District/School2 or More
Asian Black Hispanic Native American/
Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander 
White Total
LRSD  318
All Little Rock
eStem 81 45 1,049 147 6 2 638 1,968
LISA Academy Chenal 15 59 274 152 4 0 82 586
LISA Academy 7-8 14 68 148 72 0 0 53 355
LISA Academy High 10 28 193 80 0 0 88 399
Little Rock Prep 0 0 186 24 0 0 3 213
Exalt 2 0 160 204 0 0 9 375
Premier 0 0 108 2 0 0 4 114
SIA Tech 0 1 166 12 0 0 9 188
Covenant Keepers 2 0 48 90 0 0 1 141
Quest 1 14 53 12 2 1 105 188
Rockbridge 8 0 116 9 4 0 32 169

 * The recently approved open-enrollment public charters – ScholarMade (2018), Einstein (2018) and Friendship (2019) will open at 2410 South Battery3615 West 25th Street and Southwest Little Rock, respectively.

Here are the facts:

  • LRSD lost 2,698 African-American students since first charter in 2004
  • LRSD lost 1,997 White students since first charter in 2004
  • Little Rock open-enrollment public charters gained 2,501 African-American students since beginning
  • Little Rock open-enrollment public charters gained 1,024 White students since beginning
  • LRSD lost 1,367 African-American students (-8%) between first charter and State intervention
  • LRSD lost 1,804 White students (-30%) between first charter and State intervention
  • LRSD lost 1,331 African-American students (-8.7%) since State intervention in 2015
  • LRSD lost 193 White students (-4.6%) since State intervention in 2015
  • West Little Rock’s LISA Academy, which was vigorously opposed on grounds of “re-segregation,” has 586 students – 82 (14%) White, 4 points less than the LRSD’s White enrollment.

Past Thirteen Years – From First Charter to Present (2004 – 2017)

  • African-American students and families are choosing charters at a rate 2.44 times that of White students and families.
  • African-American enrollment in LRSD has decreased every year since 2008, which was also the first school year of a majority African-American school board.
  • White enrollment in LRSD has decreased every year since 2005, three years before the first majority African-American school board.
  • The largest one-year drop in African-American enrollment in LRSD was -779 between 2007-08 and 2008-09, the year of the first majority African-American board. That was also the largest one-year drop in White enrollment (-419).
  • The three smallest annual drops in White enrollment in LRSD were the three years of State intervention, -99 in 2015-16, and -11 in 2016-17, and -83 in 2017-18.
  • Hispanic and Other (Asian, Native American/Alaskan, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) enrollment (4,009) now exceed White enrollment (3,971).
  • The growing demographics in the LRSD are Hispanic (+173%), 2 or More Races (+152%), and Asian (+38%).
  • The declining demographics in the LRSD are African-American (-2,698/-16%) and White enrollment (-1,997/-33%).

Before State Intervention (2004 – 2015)

  • Prior to State intervention, LRSD lost White students at a rate 1.32 higher than that of African-American students.
  • Prior to State intervention, the district averaged losing 180 White students a year.
  • In the ten years before State intervention, the enrollment gap between African-American and White students increased from 10,770 to 11,207 (74%/26% to 79/21%).

After State Intervention (2015 – 2017)

  • After State intervention, LRSD lost African-American students at a rate nearly seven times higher than that of White students.
  • After State intervention, the district averaged losing 64 White students a year.
  • In the three years of State intervention, the African-American and White enrollment gap decreased 1,138 students (-1%/+1%)
  • In 2016-17 (Superintendent Mike Poore’s first year), for the first time in thirteen years, both the total number and percentage enrollment gap between African-American and White students decreased (-456, -1%/+1%)
  • In 2017-18 (Superintendent Mike Poore’s second year), the district had the lowest total number enrollment gap between African-American and White students (10,069). The previous low was 10,770 in 2004-05.

It would behoove those who value their credibility, and the journalists who quote them, to check the facts before simply parroting the party line.

We welcome correction of any inaccuracies.

Source: https://adedata.arkansas.gov/statewide/Districts/EnrollmentByRace.aspx

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