West Little Rock Middle School Zoning Offers District-wide Opportunity

Following the Little Rock School District’s elegant solution to “zoning” attendance at the new West Little Rock Middle School by Terry, Fulbright, Roberts Elementary School feeders, all district middle and high school attendance zones should be abolished for 2016 entering sixth graders (middle school) and ninth graders (high school).

This single action, in advance of consolidating, converting and constructing, will empower student academic, artistic and athletic development, as well as familial/social/community support for schools across all three levels.

To start the conversation of where to where, here are potential elementary to middle feeders (2016 sixth graders):

  • Pulaski Heights – McDermott, Brady, Williams, Jefferson, Forest Park, Pulaski Heights;
  • Henderson – Romine, Wilson, Western Hills, Bale, Franklin, Dodd;
  • Cloverdale – Geyer Springs, Baseline, Wakefield, Meadowcliff;
  • Mabelvale – Otter Creek, Mabelvale, Chicot, Watson;
  • Dunbar – King, Gibbs, Stephens; and
  • Mann – Carver, Booker, Rockefeller, Washington.

And potential middle to high school (2016 ninth graders):

  • Central – Mann, Dunbar;
  • Hall – Pulaski Heights, Forest Heights STEM;
  • Parkview – Henderson;
  • McClellan – Cloverdale; and
  • Fair – Mabelvale.

Where do West Little Rock Middle School students go in three years (2019)? May demand determine supply.

Meanwhile, future ninth graders whose elementary zones are Terry, Fulbright or Roberts could go to Parkview.

And all schools with additional capacity should offer open enrollment to all students (lottery if demand exceeds supply), supported by transportation (e.g. Rock Region Metro student passes).

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