Three West Little Rock Zip Codes Account for 23% of Property Tax School Revenue in Pulaski County

Click here to view Pulaski County Personal and Real Property Tax revenue by Zip Code, including the amount distributed to the county’s three public school districts.

  • The highest school district revenue: $24,353,371.69 (72223 – West Little Rock)
  • The second highest school district revenue: $23,546,952.34 (72211 – West Little Rock)
  • The seventh highest school district revenue: $15,022,393.03 (72212 – West Little Rock)

Get the picture? The section of Little Rock generating the highest personal and real property tax revenue for public schools ($62,922,717.06 annually) is also the section of Little Rock with the fewest public schools. Of 21 Zip Codes in Pulaski County, three in West Little Rock account for 23% of public school tax dollars for the entire county.

Every taxpayer, whether or not their children or grandchildren are in public schools, has a stake in the equitable provision of public education.

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